Net API Notes for 2020/03/03 - Issue 122

After a couple of busy weeks, the bin of potential inclusions is overflowing! Let's begin addressing the backlog with this collection of notes!



If you've heard of service meshes but remain unclear about what they are or why you would use them, Daniel Bryant has the article for you. Entitled "The Service Mesh Ultimate Guide", this guide starts with first concepts and goes deep into associated vocabulary, use cases, and patterns.

Also, the "Future of Service Mesh" section provides an unintended view of existing challenges being worked on. I learned several things just skimming, and I am sure you will too.

In related news, the New Stack has a Service Mesh "mini-survey", lead by Lawrence Hecht. They hope to use the results to guide future editorial coverage. If you're already an old hand at service meshes, check it out.


The biggest challenge when adopting a microservice architectural pattern is service decomposition. To date, the most touted means of doing that decomposition is through a domain-driven design exercise. However, that can be difficult without a seasoned facilitator. Your run-of-the-mill, inexperienced dev team may quickly find themselves in over their heads.

That's why this Domain-Driven Design Magazine is such a curiosity. First, I like to think I'm still DIY/punk enough to appreciate a good zine. Second, the folks behind Xebia, the publisher, are some of the leading thinkers on emerging decomposition techniques, like event storming.

In my first hand, event-storming experience, I'm quick to point out event storming isn't a silver bullet. It is but one technique. However, I applaud the folks behind this effort and suggest circling this on your local email distro, slack channel, or watering hole. It may be a great starting place when bounded contexts are questioned.


As much as I enjoy zines, I love a compelling case study. There's was a compendium of microservice examples published by Ipsita Agarwal. The "Case Studies in Rearhcitecting" shows how Buffer, ThoughtWorks, N26, and Zapier used microservices to solve their problems.

Each case goes into detail about the original problems that initiated the change, what the teams discovered about their monolith along the way, and lists the benefits the teams enjoy today.



I've loved getting community submissions to add to is a place to discover in-person API events worldwide. If you have a hackathon, meetup, or conference that isn't listed there, but should be, send me a note! I'd love to help where I can.

I'll end with a thank you to my Patreons. Their support is a gift that I multiply for the benefit of the entire community.

Till next time,

Matthew @libel_vox and

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